Business Resources for Face Painters Introduction – the blog you’ve all been waiting for!
You have spent a small fortune on the best quality products. You have spent countless hours improving your skills, getting your name out there, and painting on the job. You keep your kit clean, turn up on time and maintain high levels of good customer service. For all intents and purposes you are a truly professional face painter. Here comes the but…
How much time do you spend keeping your paperwork in order?
You are not ‘just’ a face painter (so please, never listen to anyone who says that to you, including other painters!) You are a business owner. You are self employed with all that that implies: particularly the ball and chain of filing your self assessments.
What if there was a way to simplify it all? To make you accountable for all of the extra ‘unseen’ time you put in to your business and help you adjust your pricing to fairly reflect this?
Well, you are in luck! I have created a series of resources specifically catered for face painters that will help you to get your business organised and well prepared for any audits, tax filing, personal reviews and future projections. They will be released one at a time through this new series of business blogs here on The Face Painting Shop website!
What are the benefits of good record keeping?
- Easily find your income and expenditure when Self Assessment time comes around! Its just a matter of copying and pasting the data into the correct boxes!
- You can see where your time goes, and adjust your activities and pricing accordingly.
- You can keep track of spending habits so you know how much to budget for face painting supplies each month!
- Get rid of ‘imposter syndrome’ when you realise how much time, effort, money you actually put into your business. You will develop your ‘business head’ quickly.
- Feel more confident about charging more, when you further put into perspective how many unseen hours go into a simple 2 hour party!
- Feel organised and prepared should you ever need to provide proof of working hours and income at short notice.
- Review which services sell well, and where you need to apply more effort and concentrate marketing.
- Feel more motivated to complete regular tasks.
- Get into ‘good business habits’ of keeping thorough records of everything.
- So much more!
I’ll leave it there as I’m sure you get the picture and are keen to crack on with the first face painters resource document!
What software do I need to use this document?
Spreadsheets will be provided in Open Office Calc format and Microsoft Excel. Open Office is FREE software that anybody can download onto their computers. It is easy to use and my preferred software for this type of work. There is also no reason why you shouldn’t be able to open these files in google docs.
What resources will be provided in the series?
The main spreadsheets that will save your life are as follows:
- Time Sheet – so overlooked yet absolutely vital to mapping personal performance within your business! Keeps you on track with tasks and provides a handy reference of hours worked, along with how much you should be getting paid for all of the hours you put in!
- Incomings, Outgoings and Reviews – this is a year-to-view incomings and expenditure spreadsheet which will be your saviour when it comes to filling in your self assessment! You can easily see which months are your busiest, which services sell best, how much money you have put into your business vs. how much you are earning. All of this will help you to properly price your services so you aren’t making a loss! Keep note of your current pricelists for easy reference.
- Invoice Templates – Keep professional looking invoices for every booking you do.
- Contact Spreadsheets – keep a record of all of your contacts and their contact information, be they client or supplier. Having this all in one place will save you time, making you more efficient in the long run!
The business blog series will likely be on going and organic based on responses.
Please give us feedback on this series!
If this is something you find useful, or there are things you don’t understand, please let us know! I am more than happy to do some Live Q&A sessions in our Facebook group to walk you through each of the resources and answer any questions you may have, but I need to know if this is something you want, first!
It have taken me a very long time to manually enter every single bit of info and formulas into these sheets so you don’t have to. Although I don’t feel like I should have to say it: please respect this further by crediting the work if you pass it on, and not circulating it yourself for a profit. Copyright belongs to Rachel (Geordie Face Painter), and has been shared for the benefit of the face and body painting industry .
Without further ado, your first Face Painter Resource is now available!
The first spreadsheet is the all important Time Sheet! Get into the habit of entering any hours relating to the running of your business. You will find a lot of useful information to help you get started with organising your business setup and records!
Download Time Sheet in Open Office Format:
Download Time Sheet in Microsoft Excel Format:
Download Open Office:
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