Eleven 16 Studios – B12 Vitamin Injection Programme
Life in todays era is busy and fast paced leaving very little time to look after ourselves in the way that we should in good diet, gym, exercise and recovery time. The current trend is that we all want that quick fix now with great results. Eleven 16 Studios are proud to introduce to you the B12 vitamin Injection programme. Please do read on as we explain the huge range of advantages and benefits.
Depending on diet B12 Vitamin is present in our food sources (mainly animal based) but this is often not enough. B12 Vitamin is a one shot intramuscular injection that is absorbed into the body ensuring pureness of the product. One huge benefit is that you can introduce B12 Vitamin into your weight loss programme as B12 is proven to boost your metabolism helping you shed unwanted pounds which will appeal to those of you who intend to make a change this summer. A very real factor which may influence the body to lose weight. Other benefits include an increase in energy, mood and immune system levels, improved sleep and improved appearance in skin, hair and nails. Also B12 Vitamin improves red blood cell production with neurological benefits. So how do we know that we may be deficient in B12 Vitamin ? Physical signs of B12 deficiency will show constant fatigue, lethargy and weakness. Muscle aches, joint pain and trouble exercising. Mood changes like increased depression and anxiety. Poor memory, inability to concentrate and other cognitive problems associated with ageing.
B12 Vitamin will also help those who are unfortunate to have one of the following medical conditions which will automatically put them in the at risk of B12 Vitamin deficiency category. Those who have had gastrointestinal surgery such as bowel or bariatric surgery. People with gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohns disease or Celiac disease. Those who take Metformin for blood sugar control. Individuals taking proton pump inhibitors for chronic heartburn. People who are on strict vegan diets through medical condition or purely through personal choice and those of you now entering the older and wiser chapter years of age.
Are B12 shots safe ? Yes B12 Vitamin is very safe to use and well tolerated. B12 Vitamin is a water soluble vitamin which means that any high levels in the blood will be urinated out of the body. There is a small risk of developing redness at the site of injection however this can be minimised by using proper techniques administered by a qualified professional’s currently based at Eleven 16 Studios and now open for bookings.

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme

B12 Vitamin Injection Programme