So You’ve Had Your B12 Shot! Now What?
🔸 Vitamin B12 Is Water Soluble, Non Toxic. You CANNOT overdose on B12.
🔸 Common Mild Side Effects, Thirst. Drink extra water, mild headache, add in high potassium foods, skin breakouts, treat blemishes with diluted t tree oil or any natural antiseptic.
All of this is temporary and is part of the B12 working into your system to help you get the best results in the long run.
🔸 Please follow a high potassium diet alongside your B12 shots, bananas, oranges, sweet potatoes, broccoli coconut water, any high potassium foods are good!
🔸 Common benefits of B12 shots : Better, deeper sleep, waking rested and refreshed, boost in mood and energy levels, can take up to 24 hours – 5 days to feel results.
🔸 For good results : 2 B12 shots are recommended over 1-2 weeks. Best results : 4 shots over 4-6 weeks followed by monthly or 6 weekly top up shots.
🔸 To power up your B12 shot please invest in a daily Folate supplement (1000ug). Introduce Folate rich foods into your diet such as broccoli, beetroot, leafy greens, citrus fruits, eggs to name a few.
Add Magnesium, Magnesium salt foot soaks, salt baths or Magnesium oil also work great with B12
(If you feel you have a serious B12 deficiency, please see your GP)
#b12 #vitaminb12 #b12shots #thurrock #vegan #vegetarian #selfcare #eleven16studios